When you have been in a car accident, it can be a difficult and often stressful decision of what to do, who to call, and how to loan a vehicle. Your insurer may have already booked you in to go to their preferred smash repair company. If you were the car not-at-fault in the accident, your insurer may have suggested the possibility of a rental car.
Since the latter of these situations is more uncommon, you will most likely have many questions to ask your insurer.
- How big will be the deposit / bond I have to pay?
- Where will I have to pick up the car from? And how will I get there?
- Do I have to take the car back there after my car is fixed? How do I get home?
- Will type of car will I get? Why don’t I get a car that is like mine?
- Why is there a large excess in the case of an accident in the rental car?
Finding a car after an accident.
Assuming that you are not-at-fault in your car accident, you can choose a company to loan a car from while yours is being repaired. Freebie Rentals specialises in accident loan cars, and is Australia’s best accident replacement vehicle provider. Some benefits of choosing a Freebie Rentals car includes:
- Your rental car is paid for by the at-fault party’s insurer, so the car is free for you to hire. You will still need to pay costs you would in your normal car e.g. tolls, fuel and traffic infringements.
- You are not required to pay a bond.
- We deliver the car to you – we can meet you wherever is convenient to you, such as the repairer or your home or office. We will also collect the car from you at the end of the hire.
- We provide a like to like replacement – your rental car will be similar to the car that is being repaired to help you feel comfortable.
- We only have a low excess to give you less stress.
- You are generally able to have the car for the full length of time the repairs take, unless you have a total loss. In this case, your hire will still be valid until you are paid out.
If your insurer tells you that you can’t use Freebie Rentals…
As a consumer, you are permitted to use Freebie Rentals to get a hire vehicle. Your insurer does not matter as the price of the car rental is paid by the at-fault party’s insurer. We are happy for you to ask us questions and engage with us, and you are allowed to hire with us if you are not at fault in your accident.
Choose Freebie Rentals
If you are not at fault in a car accident, do not let your insurance company coax you to spend money on a regular car hire company. Choose Freebie Rentals and let our outstanding employees assist you with a free rental vehicle.